Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kids Are Told the Darndest Things

I think President Obama is going to put any and all town hall appearances on hold for the time being. He’s learned that adults are far too disruptive and cynical.

Like a determined scientist, the President is experimenting with tactic after tactic to find the reaction he desires to help see through his agenda of “hope and change.”

I believe the President is now targeting the chil’ren. Two events of late support this theory:

1. The “Regional Energy Forum” in Fort Collins, CO. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Colorado Governor Bill Ritter, Colorado Rep. Betsy Markey, and the White House Council on Environmental Quality Chairwoman Nancy Sutley hosted the invitation-only event at Fossil Ridge High School. “Energy and climate stakeholders” were invited, but the Fort Collins Coloradoan noted that students from the high school were also in attendance.

So, only certain business and policy “stakeholders” are invited to hear what the propaganda machine has to say – while the rest of the public has to stage a protest rally outside the high school – yet students are allowed admittance?

2. Obama is to address all of the nation’s students in a speech. The speech is schedule for Sept. 8, and the U.S. Department of Education has even concocted a lesson plan of sorts to augment the President’s speech. The whole thing seems to be focused on the students’ acceptance of and gravitation towards Obama and his presidency.

Some of the questions teachers are prompted to ask their students (in grades K-6) during the speech include (emphasis mine):

“As students listen to the speech, they could think about the following: What is the President trying to tell me? What is the President asking me to do? . . .

What do you think the President wants us to do? Does the speech make you want to do anything? Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us?

For middle school and high school students, teachers are advised to ask their students questions such as:

“Why does President Obama want to speak with us today? How will he inspire us? How will he challenge us?”

Hmm. Someone's insecure after taking a month-long beat-down in the ratings.

Actually, the thought of the President of the United States giving a speech to all of the students in the country (something entirely unprecedented) is eerily reminiscent of a scene from “V for Vendetta,” which isn’t so cute. As Chancellor Sutler charged, “What we need right now is a clear message to the people of this country. This message must be read in every newspaper, heard on every radio, seen on every television...I want everyone to remember why they need us!”

Well, broadcasting a speech from the White House Web site, supplemented with an administration-directed teaching plan, to every school in the country will suffice for now. Even if his remarks are generic and educational-policy oriented, do we really want the President of the United States attempting to “woo” the young’ns to his side? Asking questions like, "How will he inspire us? How will he challenge us?” or "Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us?" is nothing short of indoctrination.

Obama is no fool; he’s very sharp – perhaps shrewd is the better word. And this move to take his ethos to the young skulls full of mush is no random thing. This is cold and calculated. He knows that students won’t (and can’t) stand up and rail against health care and cap ‘n trade while they sit at their desks.

But their parents sure can.


  1. Barack Obama again demonstrates his Communist tendencies - give me your children until age ten and they are mine forever.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. @Outlander/Jugulum: thanks for your comments.

    Jugulum, I read Mohler's article earlier today when I saw it on your Facebook feed. He has some valid points and I understand where he is coming from, but I don't agree that the uproar is "disrespectful" of both Obama and the presidency itself. This point confuses me; I thought dissent was patriotic? And Mohler seems to be blowing the same horn the Obama supporters are blowing now.

    But an "uproar" is small potatoes, if you ask me. As Byron York's article in the Washington Examiner reminded us, when Bush Sr. gave a speech at a school, the Democrats in Congress launched an investigation and hearings about the event and its funding.

    Mohler says the uproar about the speech is un-Christian. Really? I'm sure many of the people upset about this do and will continue to pray for Obama - but that doesn't mean they can't get upset about what they see as socialistic tendencies on his behalf.

    And that's the biggest deal here. The content of his speech isn't the problem, though we don't know if it was revised after the uproar( I say yes). The rhetoric is actually quite conservative; however, that contradicts Obama's believes/policies (Personal responsibility? Ha! We'll bail you out if you fail).

    His speaking to students isn't necessarily the problem, either (Bush Sr. did, but was his "broadcast" into every single school?).

    Far and away, the issues here are the "lesson plan" the Dept. of Edumacation sent to the schools (and the subsequent revision of it after everyone got upset) and that this is yet another ploy by Obama to insert himself into as many facets of American life as he can. From the auto industry, health care and everything the "stimulus package" was supposed to stimulate, Obama is showing himself to be a busy-body authoritarian.

    I don't know what please-the-middle joint Mohler was smoking when he wrote, "But might this message be particularly helpful for a child struggling for a role model or looking for justification for his studiousness?" Sure, it might be, but should the President of the United States be the one being looked up to? That was the creepy thing of the original lesson plan: how Obama-centric it was and how unsubtle it was in boosting his cult of personality. "Look to the President for your answers! He'll take care of you! Just be like him! Look to the government as your role model!" To his credit, Mohler does get into these details and raises (at least) an eye brow about the original document/intent.

    But his call for the Administration to shut down the cult of personality is incredibly naive, and his insistence that Christians shouldn't be upset that the President is positioning himself as a kind of pater familias is overly-sensitive and misses the point.

  3. Hi Sides,
    I have a few questions for you.
    1. Do you believe the school system in the US has a socialist agenda?

    2. Is this agenda by the president unprecedented?

    3. Because the schools all receive money/laws/guidance/leadership from the federal government, and the fed govt is run by the current administration, is it wrong for the current admin to "fulfill" this leadership by "leading" the students regardless of what some of the parents want?

    Thanks for your thoughts!

  4. @Rachel:

    Great questions. Love it. Will respond to them via a new post in the next couple days. Stay tuned.

  5. @Rachel: my answers to your questions are going up today! sorry it took so long!
