Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Pantheism Day! posted a list of “50 Green Tips for Earth Day and Beyond” on their site today in honor of Earth Day #40. It’s more like a list of penances enviro-pantheists can perform to cleanse their soul of carbon-footprint transgressions. If the contemporary environmental movement isn’t a religion, then I don’t know what is. Here are some highlights:

15. At holidays and birthdays, give your family and friends the gift of saving the earth. Donate to their favorite environmental group, foundation, or organization.

27. Teach kids about the environment.

39. Go zero! Log on to the Conservation Fund's Carbon Zero Calculator ( and in less than five minutes, you can measure and then offset your carbon dioxide emissions by planting trees.

44. Build a greener home.

49. Plant a forest and feed a family while you're at it.

This, as you can see, is a works-based religion. There’s no saving grace here. You’re not only saving yourself – via carbon offsets or cloth diapers or eating your dog – you’re also saving the divine (the earth) from eternal damnation.

One has to wonder, as Roy Spencer does, if Earth Day is “being used to teach our children the way the natural world works, or is it being used to indoctrinate them into performing rituals that will help absolve them of their eco-sins?”

Oh, and these gods of earth, wind and water are hard to appease.

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